COMING UP... Winter/Spring 2024 OSS - Open Space Studios, Hove BV - BHASVIC, Brighton & Hove For AndAlsoImprov - Brighton Courses Level 1b (6weeks) starts 12th and 14th November (Tuesdays or Thursdays) - BV - 7-9pm https://andalsoimprov.com/event/level-1b-tuesdays-autumn-2024/ Musical drop in - Sun 3rd Nov 11am-1pm - OSS https://andalsoimprov.com/event/musical-improv-drop-in-3rd-november/ Musical drop in - Sun 1st Dec 11am-1pm - OSS https://andalsoimprov.com/event/musical-improv-drop-in-1st-december/ Hoopla Impro - London Courses Level 4 Starts 13th Nov SOLD OUT Previous classes FEBRUARY 2024 Thurs 1st - AndAlso Improv Comedy drop-in, BHASVIC (Story) Thurs 8th - AndAlso Improv Comedy drop-in, BHASVIC (Losing & Letting Go) MARCH 2024 Thurs 14th - AndAlso Improv Comedy drop-in, BHASVIC (Dumb is Fun) Thurs 28th - AndAlso Improv Comedy drop-in, BHASVIC (Playing Theatrical) |
"We brought Jen in for a workshop with our cast to help with developing characters in a devised play. Jen is a warm and friendly presence who immediately puts everyone at ease. She brought a range of helpful exercises that helped the cast to dig into who their characters really were giving them depth and colour. She was adaptable to the needs of an all disabled cast and we left the session having made a lot of progress and with multiple ideas and exercises to take forward." Amy Dickinson Chronic Violence Theatre Co.-Nov '24 CREATE-WRITE WRITING WORKSHOPS... USING IMPROVISATION TECHNIQUES TO KICKSTART YOUR WRITING FOR IMPROVISERS & FOR NON-IMPROVISERS CONTACT ME FOR MORE INFO "Fab course! Let's have more." "...an excellent job in the way [Jen] devised the content and used Zoom to deliver it." Over the years, I have taught at the excellent ACT (Academy of Creative Training) in Brighton. Try their 2-week acting workshop for £100 - it's a bargain! and with ICT (Brighton Institute of Contemporary Theatre Training) and also with Chichester Festival Theatre 'Take Part' projects (they are amazing - you should definitely do one - Bargain!) |
"It's the bravest, most fun and most impactful course I've ever done. Being pushed out of my comfort zone and enjoying it. I feel I have become a better listener, it has also changed me into more of a 'yes and' person. I have also gained confidence when calling clients at work, as I feel more comfortable with whatever might come my way!"
"It has made me feel more assertive and confident outside of the course and it's allowed me to enjoy being in the moment more. It has also enabled me to express myself creatively for the first time in a long time."
"It's a very supportive, enabling atmosphere to be in, you will have a lot of fun, laugh a lot, and meet a lot of very nice people."
Feedback from Jen's 'Improv into Creative Writing' workshop
"I was very surprised and impressed by the original and unique method for creating new writing. Writing can be a lonely business however this made it a team event - thrilling and exciting. I was inspired by the leader, the scenes, the games and the writing and ideas of the group. A rapid fire entry into creative writing! Excellent!"
Wanda Keenan, Comedy Promoter 2011
"I was very surprised and impressed by the original and unique method for creating new writing. Writing can be a lonely business however this made it a team event - thrilling and exciting. I was inspired by the leader, the scenes, the games and the writing and ideas of the group. A rapid fire entry into creative writing! Excellent!"
Wanda Keenan, Comedy Promoter 2011
Feedback from Jen's 'Improv into Creative Writing' workshop

"...a fun and engaging experience that was extremely powerful. I was amazed at how the exercises we did tapped into a creativity I didn't know I had and probably would have remained hidden without Jen's intervention. Highly recommended."
Michael Tipper, Professional Speaker 2011 (http://www.michaeltipper.com/)
"I was very surprised and impressed by the original and unique method for creating new writing. Writing can be a lonely business however this made it a team event - thrilling and exciting. I was inspired by the leader, the scenes, the games and the writing and ideas of the group. A rapid fire entry into creative writing! Excellent!"
Wanda Keenan, Comedy Promoter 2011